
Monday, July 31, 2006


On the right you will see a link to "I work with Fools". No matter how bad your "fool" is, others have worse.

Elizabeth had one so bad that she submitted her story to the site....a long time ago. Well they finally got around to posting it on their site.

Here is a sample of her story.
My boss has spent the last year and a half (I kid you not) trying to fire this waste of oxygen. However since our employer is paranoid about being sued you have to bend over backwards to get rid of someone. Finally after a year a half he finally got her fired. But was she gone yet??? NO, of course not. She has to get a certified letter from the commisioner first advising her that she has been fired. So, on her "last day at work" my supervisor had to call her into his office and explain this to her and that she should still come in the next day
Go and enjoy the fool my wife had to endure.

Friday, July 07, 2006


Well ...

I am going to add the harelipfrog in a day or two to the title banner, so watch for that.

I have changed the names of some of my categories. I was inspired by another site I went by (they linked to me!) that listed blogs as "had a beer with" and "would like to have a beer with." I am not done updating this list. I probably have about 10 more blogs to add. I have blogs for bloggers I know and bloggers that have been nutty enough to link to me (I'm honored I really am <>)

I have added a couple more comics, Girl Genius and Evil Inc., both excellently drawn and written. You would think at almost 40 I would be too old for comics, but no ... a good chunk of every morning goes in to reading the updates.

I have added a religion category. I do tend to not bring the subject up as I have friends that do not fit into the mormon viewpoint, but I am mormon and I love my friends as well. I am going to be adding a few things there, we'll see what I wind up putting there.

Aaaand ... Last but not Least, News. I do like to keep up with the news, and these are the sites I go to the most often for my news.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Some changes

I am going to be changing some stuff and adding/removing some stuff and categories over the next week or so.

: )

Sunday, July 02, 2006


I live in Smyrna, and have attended the last two council sessions with my husband Gunner of NoQuarters and thisissmyrnatn (comments on those two meetings may be found here and here).

I found it disturbing that they were discussing things of importance to the town and yet there was no one there to comment (aside from us).

Government needs voluntary input or the only input you will get is the one you are asking for. (No grammer nannies please) GIGO

You can go to the official Smyrna website and download the agenda, it also has a list of future meetings.