
Sunday, October 31, 2004

Pround momma and Matthew

Matthew Hillman Kane

More pictures

New Nephew

Woo Hoo - I have a new nephew.

I'll admit, I have a fair number of nieces and nephews, but this is the first child for my younger brother and his wife.

The pertinent facts:
Matthew Hillman Kane
October 21, 2004
10lbs 4 oz or 164 oz (yes I know - a BIG baby)
22 inches long
14 1/4 inch head (circumference)
and he has BIG feet

After he was born, they put a footprint across the back of my brother's hand. It almost stretched from side to side.

According to the nurses, the size 1 diapers barely fit.

He has a remarkable set of lungs. He was making his feelings know about being bothered when he would much rather be asleep, and you could clearly hear him outside the nursery.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

How Weird

I had a truely odd experience tonight.

I went with my mother to Wallyworld for groceries and such.

As I was leaving, I saw someone I have not seen in about 10 years.

I used to work with him at Sp*** Long Distance, but when the center here was closed he took the severence package while I transfered to Kansas City (would have been better off taking the severence package).

He was walking into the store with a very pretty blonde. I realized about the time I got home that it would have to have been his daughter whom I had last seen as a small child.

I did not get a chance to say Hi, but will have to see about tracking him down and see how life has been treating him. Find out if Amway has paid off as well as he was hoping it would.

Sunday, October 24, 2004


Well, I learned a lesson the other day.

Never use a new camera for something important until you have gotten used to the stupid thing.

I have discovered that (apparently) the programs that came with the new camera for downloading pictures are unable to read the camera's internal memory. Which means, that in spite of the fact that I had pictures on the camera, the software could not find them.

Additionally I managed to delete the pictures from the camera about 2 1/2 hours into the wrestling match with the computer/camera to try and get them downloaded.

So - no pictures for now. I have e-mailed my brother and sister-in-law to ask them to send me some pictures and when they do I will post them.

No excuse me while I go kick the computer for a few minutes.

: )

Friday, October 22, 2004


Gunner said he might link to me, so if you have come by via his blog: WELCOME!

Just be aware, I am neither as political or as prolifigate as he is. : )

But I am capable of the occasional tirade.

Thursday, October 21, 2004


Who knows if I will ever really do anything with this, but hey why not!