
Sunday, February 08, 2009

Hello again!

Another week has passed, and I hope you are all doing well.

I'm managing to keep on top of school and work. I mostly have my face back again (had a bout of Bell's Palsy beginning in December) and I am feeling pretty good.

School is interesting, I have yet to purchase the book for my Music Appreciation class and so far I have an A. I am tempted to see how long I can go without it, but will likely get it picked up this week. I have done quite well in my basic general education classes and would like to keep it that way.

So far this semester:
Music Appreciation: A (waiting on grades for two submitted items)
Visual Basic: A (all submitted items graded)
Web Page Applications: A (waiting on grades for one submitted item)

Woo Hoo!

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Bras ... again

My original post may be referenced HERE.

I have had a number of people drop by my site looking for bra information because of my original post from 2006. Apparently it is still high on the search engine results.

I found out something great for the large, yet not quite ridiculous, ladies out there. If you want to shop off the rack, I know that Lane Bryants Cacique bras have started being availabe in the larger cup sizes (up to an H with some models)in the stores.

Keep in mind that different bras will fit differently (I have had some bras that were supposedly in my size not fit at all).

Good Luck and any bra news is welcome!

We busty chicks gotta stick together.

Yeah Danielle!

My sister-in-law Danielle found the track I was looking for, By The Waters of Babylon by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrini. It's a good quaility copy.

Apparently I needed to look for it by "Super flumina Babylonis"

Here is the LINK.