
Friday, May 25, 2007

Cause you've finally pissed me off

This is the MySpace page for one of the few people in the world I can say I truely despise.


Pray, permit me to ennumerate...

1. She is a lying twit ...
2. She tried to hurt my family ...
3. Nah, ... I could go on, but no real point cause everything goes back to those first two items, except that she also endangered Lily.

This is an excerpt from her main page, under Intersts where she talks about her Heroes ...

"he was the one who was there for me when everyone else bailed after I had
I do have to agree that your father (that is who she is referencing here) is a remarkable guy. My MIL "who bailed on you" thinks the world of him.

But lets discuss the "bailing" shall we, since that is what has pissed me off...

Do people who have "bailed on you" after the birth of your baby, take you home from the hospital, make sure you have clothes and necessities for your baby, purchase you a carseat, and the other basics you need, provide you with a temporary home, help you care for your baby, and help you to get things arranged after you have your baby.

  • After you have lied about even knowing you were pregnant.
  • After you have lied about who the father was (though, lets face it, he would have been a much better father than the sleazebag who got you pregnant).
  • After you denied (when you were asked, cause you were gaining weight) that you were pregnant.
  • After you endangered the life of your baby by not getting any prenatal care (though I do have to give you credit for quiting smoking and drinking, though if you were going to try and pretend you did not know, you should not have told anyone [outside the family] about it).
Another quote ...

"I was with this guy for a little over 4 years and the moment I had Lily he
freaked out and bailed on me. How can you do that to someone you love?"

Lets see, first of all you had been in an on again off again relationship, so saying it was 4 years is a bit of a stretch. The most recent length of time for about 7-8 months. Lily was, according to everyone at the hospital, full term. Hmmmmm ... that does not seem to add up.

Of course you kept insisting that she was a month early.

Lily was and is a beautiful baby, she was not early.

Oh, yes, lets not forget the test. You know the one I am talking about ... the one that proved that he was not Lily's father. 0% possibility of any genetic relationship at all.

Under the circumstances, can you really blame him for being angry with you.

So what has me so pissed off? They took you in, brought you home, took care of you and Lily, helped you relocate to Illinois, did the research as to what you would need to do to get assistance when you got there. And you talk about them and him as if they up and left you sitting in the emergency room at the hospital as soon as they found out you were even pregnant.

I could go on, but I am not going to bother. All this really does is let me vent my spleen about everything that happened. Your choice of words could have definately been better.

I sincerely hope that you are getting your life straightened out, that you are a good mom to Lily, and that Jason will be a good Dad. I hope you are happy.


  • I had an ex who was equally as crazy. I knew she was bad news when I came home and crawled into my bed in the dark and woke up laying on some other guy... Good luck with this.

    By Blogger impossibledreamer, at 9:15 PM  

  • OOOOOOH Boy!

    I think that may top my neurotic ex-potential-SIL.

    By Blogger Elizabeth, at 10:10 PM  

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