
Thursday, November 24, 2005


It is Thanksgiving, and I have just spent a good chunk of the day spending time with one of the things I am most thankful for, my family. Not just my family either, but my husbands family as well.

I have enough family that we can't do all of them on Thanksgiving day (we have in the past, but was never able to actually enjoy the holiday as a result {3 dinners}). We had dinner at my sister's house last night, dinner at my grandparent's house today (movie at my in-laws this evening) and the official Thanksgiving dinner at my in-laws on Sunday.

I don't think that we really have time to reflect on the things we are thankful for with all the celebrating that goes on today. I know I don't. I decided I would share a few things I am thankful for ...

My Family - fractured though we may be (divorce) we all will come together in time of need to aid and support one another.

My Home and husband - I have been blessed with a loving husband and his family. We don't always agree on everything, but we are always there for each other. He supports me and loves me in spite of my shortcomings (and I him).

My health and the health of my family - I spend a great deal of time sorting medical documents and realize just how fortunate I am to be as healthy as I am.

My faith - I will take this chance to express my thankfulness for my faith in God and for parents who passed that belief and understanding on to me.

My freedoms - I know that there are those out there who will say that they are not what they once were (or were intended to be) but I am thankful for them anyway. We have more freedom to say what we want, worship as we wish, do as we see fit than any other country in the world. I wish to pay my respects to those who have sacrificed time, energy, and sometimes their lives in support of those freedoms.

Thank You!

Thursday, November 10, 2005


I am not going to bother with the apologies for my prolonged absence. I have just been busy, life is like that sometimes.

Anyway, I thought I would bring you up to date on stuff.

Canning ...

So far we have canned ...

Apples - Apple butter and apple jelly
Blackberries - Jam
Blueberries - Jam (tripleberry jam)
Cucumbers - pickles, lots and lots of pickles
Eggs - yeah I know it sounds weird, but Gunner likes 'em and they are really quite good in salads
Grapes - Jelly
Habanjeros - relished
Lemon - jelly - never set up and we wound up tossing it
Lime - Jelly
Onions - onion relish (surprisingly good - very mild)
Orange - jelly - never set up and we wound up tossing it
Peaches - Jam, Jelly, preserves
Pears - in syrup - we have more pears ripening
Strawberries - Jam
tomatoes - salsa

As I can, I will post or link to the recipes we used.

I am working on going back to school. I am in the process of submitting my application and getting my transcripts in. I still have to take the compass tests (since it has been so long). I can take a free class a semester(as a state employee), so I am going to take a class this spring, another this summer, and then go full time next fall (2006). Wish me luck, I'm going to need it.

I am also looking at getting another job (still with the state) as a secretary. Passed all my tests the first time and I am already getting letters for interviews. More money, woo hoo!

My computer is constructed, though I am having a problem with it. I believe that the issue is a corrupted windows disk. I am working on getting that replaced. I am having a bit of a problem since the individual I purchased the OEM software from is not responding to my e-mails, and it looks like I am going to have to sick eBay on him. Joy...

Brace yourself for another change in background. It may be a couple of weeks, but it's coming. I'm getting tired of this one.

Take care!