
Thursday, May 12, 2005

I am such a slug! (Pickled Eggs Part 2)

It has been over a month (actually almost two) since we made pickled eggs and I have not let you know how they came out.

Kind of grey. Actually very grey.

In doing a bit more research I have had a number of people suggest boiling the vinegar with the spices but not adding them to the jars themselves as they can turn the eggs a truely unappetizing shade of gray (blech).

However if you can get past the grey they are actually pretty good. The eggs have certainly kept well (unrefrigerated for over a month with one jar left to go) nobody has turned green and keeled over after eating them anyway.

I particularly like them in salads (so far we have tried them in tuna and chicken) and I suppose they would probably do nicely in anything you would normally add a boiled egg to. The pickled aspect gives them a nice kick.

We are going to be giving a couple of other recipes a try. We heard that if you stick a piece of raw brocoli in the jar it will turn the eggs a florescent green or a piece of beet to turn them purple.

Looks like we will be having fun with this over the next couple of weeks.

By the way, I did mention gas on my initial post.



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