I was expecting to be spending today at my MIL's house. Instead I am babysitting my nephew. His mom is still about halfway home from Ohio and his grandmother is out checking the crash site to make sure nothing was left behind.
And yes, I said crash site.
My nephew was on his way to church and fell asleep at the wheel.
He hit the rumble strip and woke up. He over corrected, over corrected again, and rolled the SUV. Three times.
He was wearing his seatbelt. He has an abrasion on the back of his head, has hand, and a seriously bruised ego.
Had he not been wearing his seatbelt, it was the kind of accident that could have paralized him or killed him.
Wear your seatbelt.
I was expecting to be spending today at my MIL's house. Instead I am babysitting my nephew. His mom is still about halfway home from Ohio and his grandmother is out checking the crash site to make sure nothing was left behind.
And yes, I said crash site.
My nephew was on his way to church and fell asleep at the wheel.
He hit the rumble strip and woke up. He over corrected, over corrected again, and rolled the SUV. Three times.
He was wearing his seatbelt. He has an abrasion on the back of his head, has hand, and a seriously bruised ego.
Had he not been wearing his seatbelt, it was the kind of accident that could have paralized him or killed him.
Wear your seatbelt.
I am so very glad he is OK!
Titusina Andronica, at 8:05 PM
Thank goodness he was wearing the seatbelt. Hope he's not too sore.
Kathy T., at 2:35 PM
He is doing astonishingly well - I am going to post some pictures of the car later tonight (if I have time)
Elizabeth, at 2:42 PM
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